8 Books Every Student Needs to Read

As a student, reading is more than just something to get through the day. Good books can challenge your mind and help you develop as an academic or person. If you need to think something different and get creative or pass your exams, these are the eight books every student should read.

1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This classic novel isn’t just a tale of a young Southerly girl. It explores significant topics such as justice, morality, and human nature. This book forces you to confront societal issues and critically examine your thinking. Furthermore, the narrative is interesting enough that it is readable even in the absence of scholarly reflection. 

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2. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

You should read this book if you’ve ever had issues with time or procrastination. The Power of Habit unravels habits and explains what makes them stick in your life. To learners, it’s the only way they can understand how to develop better habits, either by studying on time or by developing healthy habits for themselves. This book will leave you with take-home insights to apply right away. 

3. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

You might think this book is an eye-opener, but its information offers exciting insights into our choices. Thinking Fast and Slow is about the two types of thinking, one speedy and the other more gradual. As students, knowing how these two ways of thinking relate to each other can help with everything from exam prep to collaboration projects. It makes you conscious of your learning process and enhances your critical thinking ability. 

4. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger 

Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye is one of those students who can relate at some level. His struggle over who he is, his upbringing and his place in the world is universal for high school or college readers. This novel tends to be considered a coming-of-age novel but also a wonderful reminder that it’s okay not to know everything just yet. 

5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

It’s a living manual of universal lessons for the self and the workplace. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a great book for students, helps get you disciplined, leading, and forward-thinking. And not just grades but being a more productive, whole person. 

6. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

Sapiens provides a fascinating portrait of the evolution of our species, from biology to culture. This book also gives the perspective of human history to the students in a more holistic way, making them think more deeply about our present surroundings. It’s tough, but Harari’s narration makes it easy to read and enjoyable. 

7. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is the book you read when unsure where to begin. It’s a little heart-wrenching story about chasing your heart. You’re a student with so many options and things you’re supposed to be doing, and this book reminds you not to change who you are. It’s short, but its message lives with you long after you’re done. 

8. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This book may seem only to apply to business people, but it’s also super handy for students. Learn how to win friends and influence people, as well as communication and interpersonal skills crucial in school and life. Be it for team projects, professors, or friends, the ideas from this book will help you make more bonded connections. 

Books That Shape You Beyond the Classroom

These eight books aren’t only valuable for exams or homework – they are life hacks you can use in your spare time. From changing your habits to discovering your humanity, each book pushes you to think in a new way and be a better person. These books are great for your student experience, so whether you’re looking for inspiration, information, or just an entertaining read, they’re there for you. Enjoy the read! 


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