Comanche, P.I.
Author: Pedro Medina Category: Jitney Books Publisher: Jitney Books Published: March 12, 2025 ISBN: 978-1-7335093-7-4 More DetailsSeedy bars, strip clubs, greasy spoons, loan sharks, poker games, pool halls, cocaine deals, long, smoky nights in dimly lit rooms, Comanche, P.I. will bring Miami’s underbelly to life.
Comanche, P.I. is a noir novel, but a uniquely neo-Miami noir novel as all of the characters are Latin.
Recently arriving in Miami — they don’t have much, work low-level jobs, cashiers and dishwashers, barkeeps and line cooks. But they are part of a scene, an underground scene, whether at a monthly literary event at a dive bar, or raves on the beach, it’s all under the radar waiting for our protagonist and anti-hero The Comanche to discover and explore.
And when the cops need a crime solved on the “down low” – they call The Comanche.

Comanche, P.I. Author Bio
Pedro Medina Leon is a Florida Book Award winning author. This novel was originally published in Spanish, and was translated by Miami-area journalist Abel M. Folgar.
Born in Lima, Peru, in 1977, Pedro Medina Leon is the author of the fiction books Mañana no te veré en Miami (Tomorrow I Will Not See You in Miami), Marginal (Marginal), and Varsovia (a novel that won the 2017 Florida Book Award, Spanish category), as well as the book of essays and short chronicles Tour: a tour of Miami’s popular culture. He is the editor of the anthologies Viaje One Way (One Way Journey) and Miami (Un)Plugged (Miami) and is also the creator and editor of the cultural portal and publishing label Suburbano Ediciones (Suburbano Editions).
Abel M. Folgar (b. 1977) is a poet from Caracas, Venezuela of Lebanese and Corsican heritage. He’s the coauthor of Odas a Futbolistas (Hinchas de Poesía Press, 2018, with Yago S. Cura) and translator of Facundo Soto’s Juego de Chicos (Jitney Books, 2018). His poetry has appeared in Pidgeonholes, Noble/Gas Qtrly and LaFovea.org, among others. His articles on art, music and food have appeared across the New Times/Village Voice family of publications, PureHoney Magazine and numerous digital and print entities since 1999.
Comanche, P.I. Blurbs
“One of the most interesting writers of his generation.”
Publisher’s Weekly
“The best noir novel of the year.”
Vladimir Hernandez, bestselling author of Havana Requiem
