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Magical Miami

 Author: Laura Drosdowech  Category: Jitney Books  Publisher: Jitney Books  Published: October 24, 2024  ISBN: 9781733509350 More Details  Download

In Magical Miami, Zoe and Zen’s awesome adventure begins in Wynwood and takes them through Miami’s most notable neighborhoods.

They meet a flamingo driving an ice cream truck, ride on an alligator, swim with a manatee, take the trolley with a celebrity cucaracha, and meet a famous graffiti artist. Zoe and Zen are bilingual, and you will learn some sassy Spanish and marvelous Miami lingo along the way!

Magical Miami

Thrilled to announce our 15th Jitney Book. Also our 1st hardcover, 1st illustrated book and 1st children’s book.

PUB DATE 10.24 but ORDER NOW wherever books are sold.

#MagicalMiami is a super fun tour around the city with a few twists and turns.

Written by local professor Laura Drosdowech, featuring local artist ATOMIK’s iconic orange, special thanks to Notorious Nasty for lending us his Biscayne Roach character.

This one is super cute!!


Magical Miami
Drosdowech, Laura





















Magical Miami
Drosdowech, Laura


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