Dear Kelsey Lu, Thank You For Blessing Miami

Dear Kelsey Lu,

We do journalism in a weird way. We like to play. With words, verbs, a get-down with nouns. We’ strange. We’ Miami. It’s the sun, yo.

Got us blinded by that light.

Like your show last night at III Points. Wow. You’re a siren. A muse. A beautiful reflector of truth. You brought tears to our eyes, biting us right there, in our collective heart.

Kelsey Lu, these are just words but they are sincere. Your talent is boundless, ethereal, of another plane, lyrical, miracle, spiritual. So whimsical, musical. Your stage presence was hypnotic, under an almost full Miami moon, and to think, a precursor to Herbie Hancock.

Talk about special, III Points Miami.

We Not In Love but we feel Empathy.

So many heads haven’t heard of you yet. But they will. And it’s always so special to hear someone before they blow up. See, this is for them.

This is for the heads who never heard you yet.

Kelsey Lu Rocked III Points Miami

Your pain is my pain is his pain is her pain is our pain.

What a blessing. Don’t be a stranger, North Carolina angel. We had to leave the III Points festival in the middle of James Blake, skipping SZA, to write this letter, before we forgot, before it left our mind, like the sand of a Buddhist mandala…erased. For the temporary nature of this is just that, fleeting, a shooting star, a second, a week, an eternity.

Thank you, Kelsey Lu.

We were blessed. We’ve been going through some shit. We been feeling some loss. Shades of Blue for sure. Crazy empty. And your soul filled us, for a minute, like a sexy ass Dream. 

And sometimes that’s all it takes.

Thank you and peace out.



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J.J. Colagrande

Has written about Miami culture for twenty years, first with The Miami Herald, then Miami New Times and Huffington Post. He's the publisher of The Jitney and a full-time professor at Miami Dade College.