La_Fibraa Yarn Bombing to the Next Level

Miami has a new street artist, La Fibraa, and we’re impressed.

Her colorful work is beautiful, engaging, collaborative and interactive.

Working with fiber, and crochet, she recently dropped her first three installations in Wynwood. One outside of Gramps on 24th Street, another on NW 5th and 26th, by Wynwood Hair, and a final piece on the corner of 27th and NW 3rd.

The pieces are triumphant multicolor quilts with 3-5-3 haikus embroidered onto them. They also featured dangling keepsakes (hearts, evil eyes and stars) for people to take. The interactive keepsakes lasted one weekend before being swallowed by the hungry pallet of Wynwood dilettantes.

Is the Fiber Art Movement Trending?

We’ve noticed an increase of Fiber art during the last two Art Basel’s and also at Scope.

There is also a fiber art exhibit currently on display at the Met in New York City, as well as being featured in the 2024 biennial at the Whitney.

According to the New York Times, fiber art is “finally being taken seriously.”

New Miami street artist La_Fibraa’s heard the call for awhile.

“My relationship with fiber began in High School when I studied fashion at DASH,”  the local Miamian explains. For her, what was missing was the message. “I wanted to push the limits of what could be done. What was lacking was inspiration: what message did I want to send with these pieces and how would I get that message across?”

“I decided to incorporate poetry and convey a message around love, and the forms that it takes and the ways it manifests in life and the world around us.”

It is easy to appreciate the literary merit of the 3-5-3 haiku’s. They’re great!

There is no
love without the love
found within
Love, you are
rising from my skin-
asphalt heat 
Where did you
come from, love? I am



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Each one of the wraps is made of different fibers- cotton, recycled and hand dyed silk, acrylic, Mylar balloons, and disposable plastic bags. The three of them amounted to about 90 hours of work. That’s insane commitment. It easy to appreciate her dedication.


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This La_Fibraa project is dope.

Miami might just have a new mad genius on the scene. Let’s hope she doesn’t stop.

“I’m excited for the next 3, the topic of which will be overdevelopment and consumerism, and am challenging myself to create them entirely out of recycled materials: clothing waste, scrapyard finds, disposable plastic, and anything else I can turn into a fiber.”

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J.J. Colagrande

Has written about Miami culture for twenty years, first with The Miami Herald, then Miami New Times and Huffington Post. He's the publisher of The Jitney and a full-time professor at Miami Dade College.