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Mango Writers Conference Takes Place this Saturday

This Saturday, February 25, the South Florida Writers Association will hold its 13th Annual Mango Writers Conference.  Located at  the Miami Springs Golf and Country Club at 650 Curtiss Parkway, Miami Springs, Mango Writers Conference will take place from 9 in the morning to 3:30 in the afternoon.

Conference Director Ricki Dorn says it will be a great experience for both aspiring and practicing writers. She describes the day as one filled with,  “networking with other writers, being inspired by the five speakers and their writing experiences, having a chance to write and discuss in the breakout sessions, and enjoying writing warm-ups that I will present during my welcome and intro.” She adds to make sure all attendees bring their, “notebooks, pens, and laptops”.

Among the writers speaking are Christina Moss Mayo, Glenn Patron, Pamela Lear, Darren Tinker and Kathie Klarreich.

For more information and to register visit

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