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Miami Inspired Poetry by Ricki Dorn

Eight Ways to Look at Miami

Through the eyes of a child, on a first visit to the zoo.

Through the eyes of a construction worker,  sweating in the midday sun.

Through the eyes of a student,  stewing  about the next exam.

Through the eyes of an attorney,  bringing  justice to one more case.

Through the eyes of the wife and the girlfriend,  lunching  in a Chinese restaurant.

Through the eyes of a doctor, gently treating the elderly.

Through the eyes of a mom,  scanning the playground for that one chubby face.

Through the eyes of a tourist, here for the last time.

breezy, sunny miami beach

breezy, sunny miami beach:

palm trees close enough to reach

eat an orange or a peach.

a place to put my dreams

coffee with flavored creams

children’s playful screams.

                that’s so miami.


multi-colored silky shirts

multi-cultural teenaged flirts

multi-tasking failure hurts

a street off lincoln  road not taken

bond’s martini, stirred not shaken,

aroma from the oven, cookies bakin’

                that’s so miami.


a motorboat scooting across the bay

motorcycles whooshing at end of day

motorized wheelchairs on their way.

tattoo parlors open all night

muscled hoodlums in a fight

dying people, approaching the light.

                that’s so miami.

January in Miami

January in Miami is when we remember

snowstorms up north in chilly November.

Tropical weather here couldn’t be better;

we might need a jacket or just a sweater.


Wearing big boots is but a memory fond,

as we gaze across a plant-edged pond.

Inside  the gloves are no chilly fingers–

just  a warm outlook that spreads and lingers.


Not skidding on roads covered with ice;

mere medians with palm trees– sunny and nice.

No icicles on house window panes

or drifts turned to slush whenever it rains.


In January, we smile to recall

a holiday week with no snow at all.

This first month brings a healthier fate:

January’s winter sees arthritis abate.


So Miami in January is the place to reside:

For swimming, sun tans, and South Florida pride !

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