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Period Bomb on New Album and Tell All Book

Multifacted Cam is the front person of Period Bomb. “Punks Who Dare to Dream” is the motto of their multi-branched collective.  Cam aka Period Bomb is a performance artist, activist, community organizer and we had the chance to ask them a few questions now that they are back in Miami.

Why the name Period Bomb? 

Multifacted Cam: I always say it was just a cute stoned moment between the original band members. But the whole truth is we were looking for a name that encapsulated all the gaslighting we were going through while four of us were all sure we had been date-raped by a prominent figure in the scene and no one would believe us. We were extremely angry and still are. It’s an extremely hard battle to keep fighting but I won’t stop. I’m publishing my tell-all book now before this big tour so I might as well get comfortable with everybody knowing. 

What is your practice situation and who and how do you write your songs?

We practice at our drummer’s house but very sparingly because he’s really hard to get a hold of. We usually have to show up a few hours before the show to get him to do it. Almost every single time we jam though a cool new song comes out. Grateful for that.

Tell us about your next album. When we can expect it?

We’ve been working on our 1st studio full-length ‘THREAT’ for over 3 years now. We moved to Baltimore to record it with one of our favorite musicians ever. Jason Willett from Half Japanese (bassist for the last 35 years), The Jaunties, The Dramatics and many more. We had no idea his equipment would be even worse than ours, but luckily he was able to convince someone there with a nice studio – Steve Johnson – to help us out with some songs. Steve is so awesome, he would’ve recorded everything for us but I’m just too impatient sometimes and think I can’t replicate things the same way I did them the first time.

I’ve never done a studio album before, I’m a total purist live-player! It was super hard for me recording in a studio, but also felt amazing to have someone believe in us like that. Jason busted out his ADAT machine that he hadn’t used since Half Japanese and Jad & Jason records in the 90’s which are some of my all-time favorite records for my birthday in 2021 and we made up a ton of great songs that were recorded straight to that, and chose a few of them for this record. Gladys came from Philly and was a big part of that magical session. Expect each song to be a whole different genre and everything to be unclassifiable. Expect to have to listen a few times to even wrap your head around it. Expect to be threatened!

Where do you come from? 


Do you have a video coming out? 

Yes I just released 3 off THREAT and have 2 more coming out in coming weeks. Period Bomb TV on youtube.

What was the first album you bought? 

I remember the first CD I asked for for Christmas was Backstreet Boys and instead I got Beastie Boys and loved it. I think I bought some sort of rock compilation from the Virgin Megastore discount bin shortly after.

Share with us something that you wouldn’t usually tell other people. 

Two truths and a lie. I was the rubbergirl in the Venice Beach Freakshow. I spent some time working in a late-pleistocene underwater cave. I was poisoned by my former employer. None are lies actually I’m just taking advantage of actually being asked questions. No one knows any of this stuff about me because no one ever asks. Believe it or not I have a lot to contribute. Most of it is in my book which has got to be the most insane biography from any musician and I read a lot of them. But oh don’t believe me, I must be crazy or just full of myself.

Do you have a release date for the book or is that not something we are mentioning now?

I will have limited copies on our tour starting October 28. Our tour dates are online! But the book it’s not really gonna be available online. The official release is my art Basel event Dec 7 at Sandbox! I mean I don’t know any bookstore organized enough to have an online store that would carry it cuz it’s called Tales from the Cunt. Probably won’t even be able to post it on Instagram.

One more question can you tell me more about your December 7 show. Who’s in it? What are the plans? Everyone loves Art Basel info.

It’s called Adapt or Die fest. There’s gonna be visual and performance art and Cellular Chaos from NYC!

Anything else you want to tell me or provide to include into this? 

@period_bomb <- Pre-order’s open now!

We have sacrificed pretty much all of the basic human necessities for nine years now to keep touring to places people ask us to play and still never had the offer or ability to make vinyl until now, so please care and check it out!

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