Social Distortion & Bad Religion Were F@#$!ng Glorious

For three hours on Saturday night, it was 1985 again. Two bands that made their bones in the early 80s, Bad Religion and  Social Distortion, absolutely killed at Revolution Live Outdoors. It was glorious. Oh my god…it was fuckin’ glorious!

Bad Religion took the stage at exactly 8 pm. For 80 minutes, we heard and felt song after song after song, deftly curated from their library of seventeen studio albums. They didn’t just play these songs. They punished their instruments, they punished their voices, and most important, they punished their hearts. All for our benefit. These for the most part long-time members of Bad Religion coaxed the chest-to-back crowd to feel exactly how they felt. What they felt…. well, after 44 long years of arduous punk dues, was the intensity and joy of finally making it through to the other side. The performance was a live exhibition of well-written, intelligent, melodic songs made possible by a persistent group of dedicated, talented musicians. The set ended with “American Jesus” and a cut from their 1982 debut album, How Could Hell Be Any Worse, “We’re Gonna Die.” Glorious. Fuckin’ glorious.

At 9:45, it was Social Distortion’s turn. Although the current band has been together long enough not to be categorized as hired guns, when you say Social Distortion, you’re talking about the band’s front man, singer/guitarist/songwriter Mike Ness. Agnostic Front’s  Vinnie Stigma may be punk rock’s most interesting man (at least according to the new Simon and Shuster book The Most Interesting Man in the World), but Mike Ness, who has his own book, The Story of My Life, is not far behind. Heroin addiction, prison, the fuckeries of the music business, and more, would have toppled most. Not Mike Ness. The dude has persevered, all the while cranking out anthem-like rock songs like “Story of my Life,” “Ball and Chain,” “Reach for the Stars,” and many more. Side note, Social Distortion is, and always has been, an American rock band (NOT a punk band). Back to Saturday’s performance.

Social Distortion’s set could not possibly have been more perfect.

The sound system at Revolution was powerful and clear and the even more packed-in crowd sang and danced in sync with the very proficient band. Between songs, the audience hung on every word from a now older, wiser Mike Ness. Ninety minutes later, after an encore of two Johnny Cash classics, “Folsom Prison” and “Ring of Fire,”  a satiated crowd spilled onto the streets of downtown Ft. Lauderdale.

As I mentioned, when you say Social Distortion, you say Mike Ness. It’s impossible to ignore that Mike Ness was treated for tonsil cancer less than a year ago. He spoke about it from stage. Of  all the nasty things he’s been through, he described his battle with cancer as a different level. But here he was, still singing his ass off. Try as we might, it was impossible to ignore his physical and emotional pain. This dude has worked  46 years to become a star. Now, fucking cancer.

Yeah,1985. That was 40 years ago. The concept of borrowed time makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you think. Most of all, like great music, it makes you feel. If not now, when?

It was 1985 again Saturday night at Revolution…fuckin’ glorious.

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Joey Maya

Joey Maya is the author of The Drummer of Miami Beach: The Story of Joey Wrecked.