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Home Project Is A Fitting Tribute To a Dying Neighborhood Reborn

you've seen this house, now come watch it get demolished with love.


Miami born artist Alejandro Dorda aka Axel Void created a body of work to be exhibited in a residential house on 25th street in Wynwood. The house, the last on the block, will be demolished together with the paintings on the 16th of April.


The Home Project explores the life of Ana and Julio Serrano, a Puerto Rican couple who moved to Miami in 1962 with their two sons Julio and Anibal. They bought the house on 25th street and would remain until they passed away.

Axel Void reached out to their daughter to commemorate their story and the life of this community. He painted paintings. That’s what he does.

Julio and Ana were a beloved couple, kind and open.

They celebrated big parties. Anibal recalled one Christmas where two hundred people came to the home to play music, eat and dance.

The house is the last standing on the street, a neighborhood remembered by the Serrano family as a lively and vibrant place.


80% of heads wouldn’t recognize Wynwood from five years ago. 99% wouldn’t recognize Wynwood from 20 years ago; furthermore, they don’t know the history of Wynwood.

That Wynwood was a thriving Puerto Rican community mixed in with a garment district.

You need to know where you came from if you want to know where you’re going.

The home project intends to underline the changes our generation has brought to the area and our communities generally.

It is a tribute to the story of this neighborhood.


Axel Void is a multimedia artist but paints a lot with acrylics. He was born in Miami but raised in Spain. However, he moved back to Miami and his work is all over the city. His work definitely has influence from Goya. Learn more about Axel Void in this inetrview with Juxtapoz.

Make sure to be there for the Vernissage during Art Walk on April 14th 4pm – 7:30pm and again on the 16th for the demolition of the house at 12pm.

Also, if you see Axel, ask him why he is destroying the paintings .

Or, save a piece of the house.

It might just hang in a museum some day, ya hear that History Miami?

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