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Wordier Than Thou Wants to Publish Florida Writers

Wordier Than Thou, the Tampa Bay area literary nonprofit, has put out a call for submissions from Florida based writers.  According to their website, Wordier Than Thou will publish a trio of anthologies all coming from the minds, pens, and word processing apps of Sunshine Staters. They’re asking all submissions be sent with a short author bio to

The most recent and relatable call is for an untitled quarantine anthology to be published this October. The submission deadline is August 15 and published authors will receive 2 copies of the anthology and a $15 honorarium. The website of Wordier Than Thou states, ” We’re seeking fiction, non-fiction and poetry from Florida writers that was written during the the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine. The works do not need to be quarantine- or pandemic-related. In fact, there is no specific theme or genre required. We simply want to showcase creative works written during this period of uncertainty and social distancing. Writers may submit fiction and non-fiction pieces up to 3,000 words or three poems up to 60 lines.”

On a more political bent is a request for  an anthology titled Day of the Donald. Wordier Than Thou explains it this way, “With the 2020 elections upon us, what’s next for President Donald Trump and his gang of idiots? We’re seeking fictional pieces up to 3,000 words from Florida writers about what they think will happen next in the dramedy that is Trump’s presidency.” Submission deadline is October 10. Selected authors will receive 2 copies of the anthology and a portion of proceeds from book sales will benefit the ACLU of Florida.

Finally there’s an ode to Floridianism with South of the South where, “We’re seeking fiction, non-fiction and poetry from Florida writers about the state of Florida. There is no limit to what you can write about – from Florida’s natural beauty to the seedier side of Mickey to wacky news headlines; as long as it’s about the Sunshine State, we want to read it. Writers may submit fiction and non-fiction pieces up to 3,000 words or three poems up to 60 lines.” The deadline is August 15 and authors will receive 2 copies of the anthology and a $15 honorarium.

Once again send all writings with a short author bio to

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